Many ways out of pain

Pain Therapy


According to our balanced score card, one of our main goals is to avoid open spine surgery by means of minimally invasive pain interventions and / or minimally invasive surgical techniques as well as joint replacements by means of regenerative medicine, e.g., stem cells and various autologous cell therapies. Thus, classic open surgery with longer hospital stays, sometimes scarring and, quite often, lengthy rehabilitation, as a consequence, is avoided.

Thus, we provide a 360°-degree approach to the treatment of all kinds of pain, mainly the spine, sacrum, joints, hip, knee, shoulder, ankle, headache including trigeminal neuralgia, zoster-, and soft tissue / tendon related pain, e.g., tennis-ellbow, golfer’s elbow.


Types of Therapy


Laser Therapy


Winback Electrotherapy




Catheter Systems






Autologous cell therapies


Stem Cell Therapy




Pump systems

Technologies to enable classic minimally invasive pain interventions include:








Cooled Radiofrequency






Lysis of adhesions such as balloon dilatation and molecular resonance, along with various needle and catheter approaches.

Classic minimally invasive surgical techniques include:


Video and X-ray assisted endoscopic removal of herniated discs


Repair of entrapped spinal roots


Treatment of arthrotic facet joints


Sacroiliac arthrosis


As well as removal benign of spinal stenosis

Some technologies are now described in a bit more detail:

Targeted Nerve Block

Cryoanalgesia (Cold Therapy)

Cryoanalgesia is a pain-relieving technique which uses cold (-78°C) in order to block pain conducting nerve fibers. The sophisticated current type of cryoanalgesia uses a needle-like probe to cool tissue being targeted by means of ultrasound or X-ray.

 Also known as “targeted nerve block”, this procedure provides an effective, if not the only, treatment of chronic pain arising from the spine or from joints such as knee, leg or shoulder pain.

Targeted Nerve Block

Radio Frequency

Another minimally invasive treatment methodology used to deal with chronic pain conditions consists of radiofrequency therapy. An electrode is inserted through the skin onto the affected region in order to block signaling nerve pathways. Also being a targeted nerve block, the pain signal is prevented from being transmitted for a longer period of time.

Classic indications consist of the treatment of radiculopathy, i.e., pain being mediated by the effected roots, also of headache being caused by the cervical spine or as a result of trigeminal neuralgia.

The so-called cooled radio frequency is considered a particularly effective subset of radio frequency therapies, being used, e.g., for the treatment of the joint or facet pain.

Less pain and faster healing


The technology is similar to the principle of a classic cardiac “pacemaker”, but in this case the device works more like a “jammer” to prevent pain signals from being transmitted to the brain. The so-called “pain pacemaker” can typically be used to address the spine area, often after extensive surgeries, but also for severe pain due to circulatory disorders. The pulse strength delivered by the implanted device can be adjusted by the patient to the respective conditions using an external control. New devices can even be recharged without having to be dismantled. Also this technology is very sophisticated.

Further information can be found, for example, on the ABBOTT website

Decompression Therapy

Pump Systems

Therapy with a pump system is particularly suitable for patients with back pain or tumor pain. A medical device is implanted into the body to deliver pain-relieving medication directly to the affected region. The system has the advantage that the patient’s systemic exposure to medications is lower because they do not first pass through the organism or being transported via the circulatory system. The dose and delivery quantity can be individually programmed and continuously adapted to the patient’s actual needs.

Classic minimally invasive surgical techniques inlude



Video and X-ray assisted endoscopic removal of herniated discs, repair of entrapped spinal roots, treatment of arthrotic facet joints, sacroiliac arthrosis, as well as removal benign of spinal stenosis.


Another emphasis consists of Conservative, non-medication related PAIN THETRAPIES

Some patients, with a history of severe chronic pain are neither in the need of minimally invasive interventions nor minimally invasive pain surgery. In fact, conservative pain therapies have been proved to be very useful, in addition, also in maintaining outcomes on a long term-basis, after patients have been treated by the above mentioned minimally invasive pain interventions or minimally invasive surgical techniques.

With this in mind, we were successful in establishing the most advanced non-medication related, conservative pain therapies.

These respective technologies consist of laser therapy, K-Laser®, dynamic decompression of the lumbar and cervical spine (SpineMed®), finally the newly developed Winback Tecar®.

Some technologies are now described in a bit more detail:

Decompression Therapy


Decompression therapy is a non-invasive methodology, i.e., without surgery enabling the conservative treatment of intervertebral disc problems, thus discogenic pain. SpineMED® reduces the pressure within either cervical or lumbar intervertebral discs by gently pulling the vertebral bodies apart. This reduces the pressure onto nerve roots, also helps by means of enhancing blood flow to the affected structures.


Laser Therapy

With the latest generation of K-Laser® series, the first therapeutic & medical laser with 4 wavelengths and 15 watts of power, a modern and versatile form of therapy is available to our patients.


WINBACK TECAR® therapy targets different types of tissue and offers the ability to treat a wide range of conditions, from arthrosis, rheumatic diseases, herniated discs, tendonitis, sports injuries, and strains. Together with autologous cell therapies, tennis-elbow, golfer’s elbow are responding well to this kind of treatment.


Alleviating amyotrophia / sarcopenia by means of electric myo-stimulation (EMS)



Chronic pains stages are often associated with amyotrophia / sarcopenia, i.e., loss of muscle tissue and muscle strength, often favoring falls with bone fractures as a consequence. This, however, leads to a vicious circle enhancing the detrimental effects of spine disorders.

For this reason, under medical supervision, we have established an electro-myo-stimulation (EMS) training program to help to overcome these sequelae by means of direct stimulation of the musculature.

Electric muscle stimulation or electric myo-stimulation (EMS) is a highly effective form of training. It utilizes low and frequency electric currents to significantly increase the body’s natural muscle strength. By means of our personal trainer the workout can be adopted to numerous individual training goals. For example, EMS personal training has been shown to significantly reduce back pain.

A final point of this overview deserves mention: all treatments are completely pain free, either because they are entirely conservative or with minimally invasive techniques in mind, due to our anesthesiologic background and approach.

Striving for excellence, in collaboration with leading international institutions, and maintaining the highest technological standards, finally, providing cost-effective treatments for our national and international patients, are classic other aims of our medical institution.

Regenerative Medicine

A new era has been brought about by means of regenerative medicine. This includes harvesting bone marrow to achieve mesenchymal stem cells, also employing various autologous blood products, such as activated platelets, autologous conditioned serum, or autologous platelet concentrate. At first, altogether, this led to a drastic the reduction in cortisone consumption. This is very important because of the well-known side effects of cortisone including osteoporosis, increasing blood sugar levels as well as a damage to cartilage and tendons.

By now, there is clear cut evidence that regenerative medicine provides us with an importent tool to avoid joint replacements such as knee, shoulder, hip, ankle, also small joints. Stem cells are now also being used to stabilize degenerative disc diseases.

STEM CELL THERAPY from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC)

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells are a heterogeneous group of undifferentiated cells with the potential for long-term self-renewal and plasticity. They are also capable of migrating into diseased tissues, producing bioactive molecules as well as secreting. They can also have immunosuppressive effects.

According to the German Research Foundation (DFG), stem cells have so far been detected in 20 organs of the human body. They are involved in embryonic development and regenerative processes.
In recent decades, stem cells have become an important research object within medicine, including in the fields of reconstructive surgery and orthopedics.

The types of stem cells that are in the focus of research are

– embryonic stem cells (ESC)
– induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC)
– and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).

MSCs are a group of stem cells that can be derived from bone marrow. These so-called BM-MSCs (bone marrow-derived MSCs) have a high regenerative potential and can stimulate healing processes on cartilage and bone.

Logo Maemo Pharma

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)

MSCs are multipotent stem cells primarily found in bone marrow and are essential for building and repairing the structural and connective tissues.

The procedure of harvesting from the pelvic bone and administering the cells into damaged tissue, e.g., hip, ancle, knee and shoulder joints, again pain free and precisely targeted under X-ray and ultrasound control.

Less pain. Fast healing.

Autologous Cell Therapies

Autologous cell therapies make use of the body’s self-healing powers and the underlying regenerative mechanism.

In the event of an injury, a large number of complex, interlinked healing processes take place in the body. The blood platelets (thrombocytes) play a central role in this process. They release growth factors, which in turn promote new vessel formation and cell division and attract differentiated stem cells that differentiate into the required cell types at the site of the defect.

At the same time, anti-inflammatory cytokines are produced in the body, which reduce tissue inflammation, e.g. in wear processes or also in acute injuries.

Activate your body’s own self-healing powers

Autologous cell therapies are based precisely on these processes of the natural healing process: Cells, cytokines, and growth factors are separated from the patient’s blood and concentrated.

Placed at the site of the injury, these naturally support the body’s own healing process there. Regeneration is accelerated, inflammatory reactions reduced and pain relieved without medication.

Different cell therapies are used for different diseases. Depending on the diagnosis, a decision must be made as to whether platelet-rich plasma with or without leukocytes is used, whether it is applied in liquid or gel form, or whether a cell-free conditioned serum promises the best healing impulse.

The Impact® platform is a system that can produce various autologous cell therapies. With the innovative sensor technology, after centrifugation, exactly those components of your blood are automatically separated that can provide the greatest healing impulse for your disease. Your doctor will work with you to select the best autologous cell therapy for your condition.


Possible areas of application:

Classic indications to employ autologous blood products consists of:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Tendon injuries and inflammation
  • Muscle injuries
  • Bone injuries
  • Support of wound healing after surgery
  • Bursitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Spondylarthrosis
  • Osteochondrosis

Platelet rich plasma (PRP)

is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein derived from whole blood, centrifuged to remove red blood cells. PRP contains several different growth factors and other cytokines that can stimulate healing of soft tissue and joints (acute muscle strains, tendinopathy and muscle-fascial injuries and osteoarthritis).

Avoiding the side effects of cortisone by employing “endogenous cortisone”, i.e., autologous conditioned serum. Autologous conditioned serum a naturally occurring inhibitor of the cytokine interleukin-1. The latter is thought to be an important mediator of inflammation, pain, and tissue destruction in musculoskeletal conditions.


For regeneration and faster healing, e.g. for peritendinitis, muscular injuries


For intensive regeneration and faster healing, e.g. for tendon defects (patella, Achilles tendon, elbow).

Vienna Medical Center

Vienna Medical Center


Pelikangasse 3/101
1090 Wien 


Telefon: +43 1 997 28 30
Fax: +43 1 997 28 30 99

Office hours

MO – DO: 8:00 – 16:00
FR: 8:00 – 14:00

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Elective doctor’s office

The Vienna Medical Center is a purely elective doctor’s office, i.e. without health insurance contracts. However, many services, such as laboratory diagnostics or radiological examinations, are fully or at least partially covered by the various health insurance companies.

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