Preventive Care and State-of-the-art Medicine for your Health


Prevention creates lifetime!

The Vienna Medical Center, together with our partners, offers the best preventive care and diagnostics!

Preventive Medicine

Diagnostic screening enables early detection of diseases and, thus, increases the chances of successful treatment.

This is why regular preventive medical checkups are one of the most important cornerstones of holistic health management.

 This is the only way to verify risk factors with resulting consequences, well ahead of the outbreak of a respective disease. An individual risk profile is created allowing to initialize counter measures, e.g., pertinence to the cardiovascular system with myocardial infarct or stroke. Furthermore, the outbreak of cancer has to be detected as early as possible.


The correct diagnosis is the most important starting point for any successful medical treatment.

Our center is equipped with most modern technology including ultrasound, X-ray, detection of cardiovascular disease by means of ECG, recording of 24-hour-ecg, 24-hour-blood pressure and treadmill-tests. In each patient we perform test of blood-enduring chemistry, in cooperation with nearby institutes, we perform complex radiological exams such as computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as well as tests with the background pertinent to nuclear medicine, e.g. positron emission tomography scan (PET scan).

 Upon the first clinical examination, this may be a video-consultation, the patients are provided with a precise and reliably cost-estimate rolling out a money pit.



X-ray is a classic imaging radiological examination method in which the body tissue is transilluminated with X-rays. The X-ray itself takes only a very short time. It can be used to diagnose unusual occurrences in the body, such as a broken bone or a foreign body lying as a shadow on the lungs.

X-ray examination has been partially superseded by more modern methods such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, as these methods show more accurate images of the affected parts of the body, allowing more precise diagnoses.

In addition to the use of ultrasound, a number of procedures at our center are also performed under X-ray control, using a high-resolution, modern image converter.

Magnetic resonance imaging


Magnetic resonance therapy (MRI) is an imaging procedure similar to CT, in which cross-sectional images of the inside of the body are produced but without the use of X-rays.

From these cross-sectional images, the computer can then create a three-dimensional image of the inside of the body. Before the examination begins, the patient must remove jewelry and other metallic objects (glasses, braces, etc.). Afterwards, the lying patient is pushed into a tube tunnel and must remain still.

Strong magnetic fields and high-frequency electromagnetic waves are then used to create cross-sectional images of the human body or the body part to be examined. During the examination, loud tapping noises are heard, and in the event of a panic attack or the like, the patient has an emergency button at his or her disposal, which can be used to stop the examination if necessary. It is also common to put on headphones because of the strong knocking noises.

Today, the MRI examination is an extremely important examination for the clarification of diseases, as it shows very precise images of the human body and organs.

Pulmonary Function Test


Pulmonary function tests are used to determine the functional state of the airways and lungs as accurately as possible; the lung volume and the speed of air flow are determined. This is a non-invasive and side-effect-free examination method.

The examination is performed with a spirometer (a device with a mouthpiece). The patient’s nose is closed using a nose clip. The patient takes the mouthpiece between the teeth and breathes in or out as instructed by the physician. The values obtained during spirometry are then compared to target values.

A variation of spirometry is spiroergometry, which is performed during physical activity on a bicycle ergometer.

Electrocardiogram / Ergometry


In electrocardiography (ECG), the electrical activities of the heart are recorded in the form of curves in the electrocardiogram. The ECG provides information about the heart rhythm and heart rate and about disturbances in the stimulation formation and stimulation performance system of the heart. A change in the curves in the ECG can indicate, for example, a heart attack, disease of the heart vessels, atrial or ventricular fibrillation, or inflammation of the heart muscle.

An ECG is performed while the patient is at rest. Electrodes connected to the ECG device are placed on the upper body after applying a gel, these measure the electrical activity of the heart. After the measurement, the measuring electrodes are removed again and the doctor evaluates the ECG.

In a stress ECG, the measurement is taken during physical activity, usually on an ergometer.


Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine examinations are painless diagnostic procedures in which radioactively labeled substances (known as radiopharmaceuticals) are used to assess the function as well as the metabolism of organs, tissues and the bones. Before the examination, metallic objects must be discarded and the radioactive drug is injected. During the examination, the patient must lie still. The distribution of the radioactive drug is measured by a special camera and processed into images by a computer.

Laboratory diagnostics

Blood –
a liquid organ

Blood and urine tests provide important assessment of organ function and other functions of the human body, as well as early detection of tumors. We check your blood down to the smallest detail in order to eliminate risks.

Based on the current symptoms, all important values are determined during the analysis. From these individual values or a combination of certain factors, important starting points for suitable therapies are derived. The blood count is also evaluated in a holistic manner, always taking into account the individual circumstances of our patients.

By cooperating with market-leading laboratories, we guarantee the best evaluation and analysis in each case. The small blood count provides information about the general state of health, whereby the number, size and form of the red and white blood cells and the blood platelets are measured. If one would like to determine the cause of an infection more precisely, a “differential blood count” is performed, which in combination with the small blood count is called a large blood count. This reveals bacterial or viral infections.

In addition to determining the blood cells and the various enzymes, blood sugar, blood lipids, cholesterol and metabolic products as well as many other important parameters are also recorded.

Electromyostimulation (EMS) for Prevention & Therapy

EMS Professional

EMS personal training under medical supervision. In contrast to a conventional EMS unit, EMS-Professional offers individual training with a certified “personal trainer” to implement training goals with pinpoint accuracy. He also supports outside the training room with questions about nutrition, regeneration and, if desired, with complementary endurance training such as “power walking” or running. The goal of the training is never just to build up muscles, but to improve all sports motor skills such as strength, coordination, speed and mobility.

Vienna Medical Center

Vienna Medical Center


Pelikangasse 3/101
1090 Wien 


Telefon: +43 1 997 28 30
Fax: +43 1 997 28 30 99

Office hours

MO – DO: 8:00 – 16:00
FR: 8:00 – 14:00

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Elective doctor’s office

The Vienna Medical Center is a purely elective doctor’s office, i.e. without health insurance contracts. However, many services, such as laboratory diagnostics or radiological examinations, are fully or at least partially covered by the various health insurance companies.

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